Too long didn't blog. It has been almost a month. This week is the fourth week I joined college, stuck in jams every morning. Oh well, I prefer this kind of busy life compare to the few past months rotting at home 24/7 :)) It's more meaningful and easier for time to pass, isn't? And I have successfully made quite a number of friends, instead of being a lonely emo freak HAHAHA. College mates are all friendly and fun people instead of nerdy anti-social people. AHH , I like it that way, classes will be more lively and fun :D
and and and... Timetable is kinda packed, 4 out of 5 days end on 4pm or 5pm. Monday and Thursday have four hours break, which is like, doesn't make sense and time wasting for me. So library has become my best friend recently, study bug! Nahhhh, I play with my phone on and off, I was trying to self-shot inside the library but oh well, there's always people around me, so forget bout it. I don't want to make people think that I'm crazy teeeheee.

April intake is indeed a short and rushy intake, imagine you cover four chapters of bio, 3 chapters of maths, 4 chapters of chemistry and 3 chapters of statistics in three weeks time. Almost everyday you'll have quiz on the chapter you've learnt, and assignments and piles of homework to finish at home after a long day in college. EXHAUSTING, TIRING AND PRESSURING are the words. I never finish my homework on time before, eeikkss. Quizzes are quite good actually, it will force me to study immediately after class no matter how, so no slacking and laziness are allowed :/ :/ :/
He had been driving me to college together for the past three weeks, and I just SUCCESSFULLY drove him to college today. Ngeks :D
should go for some tetris battle now! RELAXATION TIME :D :D :D
bye :)